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200H Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course

Become a Hatha Yoga Teacher Certified


This is a Yoga Course for everyone. Those beginners and Yoga Teachers who have already completed 200 hours Training in any Yoga Style, and wish to continue their education online. A great opportunity to expand your knowledge and deeper in your Yoga Practice

Subjects covered in this Course
Hatha Yoga - Meditation - Pranayama - Yoga Philosophy - Teaching Methodology - Ayurveda - Anatomy for Yoga - Video Classes with each Asana - total 100 Asanas. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) - Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation)

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Online Hatha Yoga Teachers Training Course 200 Hours TTC with Yoga Alliance Certification.
Live Online and/or Self-paced Video Classes, - This Training is available in both modalities, either you attend live online classes, or you can watch video classes and get Certified 100% self-paced Training. Reach out for details


Live Online Schedule: 

1hs Asana Practice Class

30min Theory Class 

Video Classes Self-paced: Anatomy, Philosophy, Ayurveda

Self-Study, Weekends.

Tailored schedule,  Timings to choose (according to your availability:
Classes duration: 60min - 90 min - It is up to you
Option 1: 5 Live online classes per week
Option 2: 3 live online classes per week
*** Choose the schedule that works for you,
kindly contact us to confirm our availability. 
New batches starting every week


Course Descriptions

The course presents strong emphasis on the Classical Hatha Yoga series. Trainees expected to maintain a daily Yoga practice during the training.

The course includes following areas of study:

  • Asana level 1 & 2 (Total approx 100 Asanas, Including Surya Namaskar and Chandra Namaskar)

  • Yogic breathing practice

  • Anatomy and Physiology for yoga

  • Philosophy of Yoga

  • Teaching methodology

  • Active & Passive Meditations

  • Ethics and business of Yoga.

  • Ayurveda for Yoga.

Course Objectives

Trainees will be able to practice and teach Level 1 & 2 Asana sequence and able to do self-practice and teach

Trainees will be able to use Yoga accessories Like belt, bricks and bolsters to reach their desired goal of Yoga also how to practice / teach Injury free Yoga practice.

Trainees should able to teach led classes on Level 1 & 2 series, Pranayama and able to lead meditation sessions

Trainees will learn Philosophy of Yoga

Trainees will learn Yogic breathing techniques called Pranayama

Trainees will learn Active and passive meditation techniques.

Trainees will learn Applied anatomy for yoga and understand articulation of body parts based on asana’s

Trainees will learn basic skills in business , Marketing and ethics of Yoga


Teachers Training Course Program

1st week :

Led class focuses on Hatha Level 1 Surya namaskar A ( Sun salutations ) , Standing poses, Sitting poses, Supine poses , Prone poses and Finishing sequence . Total 48 Individual asanas will be covered. Pranayama practice . Anatomy

2nd week :

Teaching Methodology class focuses on Hatha Level 1 Surya namaskar A ( Sun salutations ) , Standing poses, Sitting poses, Supine poses , Prone poses and Finishing sequence . Total 48 Individual asanas will be covered. Pranayama practice. Trainees practice How to lead level 1 class.

3rd Week :

Led class focused on Intermediate Level 2 Asanas, Chandra Namaskar and Intermediate poses of Standing,Sitting,Supine, Prone and finishing sequences.Total 48 advance Individual poses will be covered. Meditations practice.

4th week :

Teaching Methodology class focused on Intermediate Level 2 Asanas, of Standing,Sitting,Supine, Prone and finishing sequences. Meditations and pranayama practice. Teaching Methodology: Trainees practice How to lead level 1 class. Practical exam evaluated student leading 60 min class, 5 min pranayama, 10 min meditation.

Materials for self-study

  • The course will provide a full manual in pdf which covers all the modules of the syllabus.

  • Access to Google Drive with pdfs, videos classes, meditations for homeworks assigned.

  • Asana charts pdf with Names and images of each Asana, for self practice


1.The practitioners are expected to have min one year of Any style of yoga practice before they can be accepted onto TTC. The style of yoga can be : Shivananda, Hatha, Ashtanga, Power yoga, Bikram, Vinyasa or any other style of Yoga
2.Prior notice is must in case of Practitioners having major injuries,chronic health issues or psychological issues, or if they are under any medication.

Structural Breakdown

Evaluation Procedure and grading criteria

  1. Trainees will be assessed on asana performance, teaching Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation  led class and adjustments

  2. Trainee should be able to teach pranayama class including the names of each technique and contraindications of each technique.

  3. If a Trainee get injured during TTC and is not able to continue the course Certification will not be given and the school will not offer partial or full refunds.


The trainee should attend online 90% of all the classes during the course.
Note: If you can't attend some class due to personal reasons, you can do self-practice that day or that class will be rescheduled and added at the end


The trainees once complete the course are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance USA Certification.
(Note: You don't have to be based in the US, from all around the world you can use this Certificate


Tailored schedule - Installment payment 
New batches starting every week


Upcoming dates (example): 

Jan 6th to 31st 2025
Jan 20th to 14th Feb 
Feb 3rd to 28th
Feb 17th to 14th March 
March 3rd to 28th
March 17th to 18th April
April 7th to 2nd May
April 21st to 16th May


New batches, starting every week:
OPTION 1 Classes: Saturday & Sunday 
OPTION 2: Tailored schedule 2 classes per week  Monday ri Sunday
Timings to choose (according to your availability:
from 6 am to 8pm pm IST - 

Classes duration: 60min - 90 min - 2 hours - 3 hours class 2 times per week It is up to you
From 2 up to 5 Live online classes per week
*** Choose the schedule and frequency that works for you,
kindly contact us to confirm our availability. 


Asana Practice Level 1 and 2,,  Breathwork, Meditation, and Theory Class 

Video Classes: Self paced, Anatomy, Philosophy

Fees:US $ 650 
Early Bird Discount US$ 600  

 Installment payment : Reach out for details

Fees including all, classes, materials for self-study and Certification.

Materials for Self-study : Hatha Yoga Manual Level 1 and 2  - Asana Chart L 1 & 2 - Pranayama Manual - Meditation Manual - Anatomy & Physiology Manual - Exclusive WebSite for students, with all the Theory Classes. Google drive folder: Video Classes, Pdf, manuals to print.

Got questions?  contact us

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