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Inversions Yoga Asanas
Teachers Training Course 50H TTC
International Accreditation
Tailored schedule - Installment payment
Upcoming dates (example):
Feb 3rd to 28th
Feb 17th to 14th March
March 3rd to 28th
March 17th to 18th April
April 7th to 2nd May
April 21st to 16th May
OPTION 1 Classes: Saturday and Sunday
​OPTION 2: Tailored schedule 2 classes per week Monday to Sunday
Tailored schedule, Timings to choose (according to your availability:
from 6 am to 8pm pm IST -
Classes duration: 60min - 90 min -
From 2 up to 5 Live online classes per week. It is up to you
*** Choose the schedule and frequency that works for you,
kindly contact us to confirm our availability.
Asana Practice ,and Theory Class
Video Classes: Self paced
New batches starting every week
Assigned homework like to read, watch videos, and self-practice.
Live Online classes
Accreditation: International Certification Yacep
from all around the world
you can use this Certificate

Fee: US $ 350
Early Bird Discount US $300
Installment payment : Reach out for details
Fees including: live online classes, materials for self-study and Certification.
Materials for Self-study Included: Asana Chart - Anatomy & Physiology Manual - Google drive folder: Video Classes

Asana for an alternative perspective
The asana practice is masterful at showing you the world from alternate perspectives, especially through inversions. An inversion is any posture where the heart is above the hips. When you experience what it’s like to turn the world upside-down on the mat, it’s not so scary when it happens off the mat.
​Going upside-down physically allows you to see things from a completely new perspective. Inversions can be scary but, by facing your fears and seeing things from a completely different perspective in space, you are more able to have an open mind.
Inversion yoga poses, like the headstand and shoulder stand,
can improve strength, and balance.
It's believed to promote better blood circulation, and swelling in the legs.
They can also help with mental clarity, stress, self-stem
and provide numerous psychological benefits.
It has the power to elicit a range of emotions from students: fear, anxiety, aversion,
Physical benefits
- Improved circulation: Inversions increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which helps remove waste products and deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout the body
- Improved flexibility and strength: Inversions can improve strength and flexibility in the shoulders, back, and core
- Improved immune system: Inversions can boost immunity and remove waste products from tissues
Mental benefits
- Reduced stress and anxiety: Inversions can increase brain blood supply, which can help you feel more relaxed
- Improved concentration: Inversions can help you focus more clearly
- Improved mood: Inversions can release endorphins that increase attention and improve mood.
Inversions Yoga Asanas / 50Hs TTC Teachers Training Course
with Certification: Yacep, Yoga Alliance continuing education.
Course Description:
The course presents strong emphasis on Arms Balancing and Inversions Yoga Asanas series, Trainees are expected to maintain a daily Yoga practice during the training.
The course includes following areas of study:
Inversions Yoga Asanas (Total 25 asanas)
Teaching methodology.
Course Objectives
Trainees will be able to practice and teach Inversions Yoga Asanas, create a sequence for different levels.
Trainees will be able to use Yoga accessories Like belt, bricks and bolsters to reach desired goal of Yoga also how to practice / teach Injury free Yoga practice.
Trainees will be able to lead classes on Inversions Poses
Asana & Teaching Methodology:
1st week: Led class focus on basic Inversions for daily practice.
Surya Namaskar sequence with mantras.
2nd week Focus on Teaching Methodology, alignments and adjustments. Using Yoga accessories like belt, bricks, bolsters, Trainees lead class
3rd week: Led class focus on Intermediate Inversions Asanas, Methodology Trainee sequencing a class for different levels.
4th week:: Led class focused on Advance Inversions Asanas , Practical exam Trainee leading a class
Total 25 Asanas will be covered in this Training
Ready to sign up? Got questions? Drop a message via: