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Rare Yoga Quotes to motivate your practice

Writer's picture: ShagadambaShagadamba

If you are seeking to uplift your practice, don't miss out on these unseen Motivational quotes that will make you appreciate your efforts, and give you a boost of energy to keep up your practice.

With Yoga you become more flexible in all the aspects of your life.
With Yoga you become more flexible in all the aspects of your life.

In yoga, “flexibility” is an attitude that transforms the mind, traumas and emotions as well as the body.

The Yoga practice gives us Cognitive Flexibility, which is the ability to transform habits and thoughts by becoming more resilient to efforts and increasing patience. It is particularly important to flow easily when a situation is changing or unexpected.

Invest in you,
Invest in you,

Yoga is an investment that you deserve. It is never expensive to prevent illness.

The steps to learn
The steps to learn

Learning, unlearning, and relearning is a process of gaining and applying knowledge, while also letting go of out-of-date information. It's a vital part of personal and professional growth.

Unlearning involves questioning our assumptions, challenging our beliefs, and being open to new perspectives. Relearning is the process of learning something again, often in a new or different way. It involves building on previous knowledge and experiences to gain a deeper understanding of a subject or skill.

Let go, in order to rise
Let go, in order to rise

You must let go everything that is pulling you down in order to rise by over the obstacles, that are holding you back and prevent you to step in your power or keep you stuck in your practice, It can include toxic habits and relationships. Focus on you.

Yoga heals your mind and body so you can feel happy
Yoga heals your mind and body so you can feel happy

Yoga is a systematic practice of Asanas, breath control, relaxation, diet control, positive thinking and meditation aimed at developing harmony in the body, mind, and environment.

This practice offers something for everybody, regardless of their age, gender, race, size, shape, background, and flexibility level.

You get better at life because it helps you to be more focused in what is really important, to be more confident, to breath and be more patient, to change old patterns in your mind that doesn't work anymore for you. It also gives you a global community to support you and feel connected. with people and your spiritual masters. It improves your body, mind and spirit.

Pranayama can balance your mind
Pranayama can balance your mind

Why is pranayama important in our life?

It is the most effective treatment for diseases of the respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems whose functions depend upon the correct flow of prana, yet it is excellent for all conditions of debility, low energy, chronic fatigue, weak immunity, and convalescence.

It is probably the most important single action that we can do to improve our health and dispel toxins.

It is an important tool for treating psychological disorders. Pranayama not only exercises the lungs, but it is also excellent to counter depression, release grief and attachment, reduce stress and tension, relieves anxiety, reduced negative thoughts and obsessions, better energy management. improved self-confidence., enhanced focus and self-awareness, increased Memory and Creativity, reduced pain, emotional balance.

It is much more effective in raising our spirits than any stimulant and It increases our vitality as well!

Your vibration can change your life
Your vibration can change your life

 Vibration in quantum physics means that everything is energy. We are vibrating beings on certain frequencies. Every vibration equals a feeling. Every feeling makes you emit a vibration that can be positive, negative or neutral

1st - Thoughts

*Every thought emits a frequency out to the universe and that frequency goes back to the source, so in case if you have negative thoughts, discouragement, sadness, anger, fear, it all comes back to you.

This is why it is so important that you take care of the quality of your thoughts and learn to cultivate more positive thoughts.

2nd - The Company

*The people around you have a direct impact on your vibrational frequency.

If you surround yourself with happy, positive, and determined people, you will also enter this vibration.

Now if you surround yourself with complainers, and pessimists, be careful! Indeed, they can decrease your frequency and therefore prevent you from exploiting the law of attraction in your favor.

3rd - The Music

*Music is very powerful. If you only listen to music that talks about death, betrayal, sadness, abandonment, all of these will interfere with your vibration.

Pay attention to the lyrics of the music you listen to, it could be lowering your vibrational frequency. And remember: you attract exactly what you vibrate into your life.

4th - Things You Watch

*When you watch shows that deal with misfortune, violence, death, betrayal, etc. your brain accepts this as reality and releases a whole chemistry in your body, which affects your vibrational frequency. Watch things that do you good and helps you vibrate at a higher frequency.

5th - The Words

*If you pretend or speak poorly about things and people it affects your vibrational frequency. To maintain your frequency high, it is essential to eliminate the habit of complaining and bad talking about others. So avoid the drama and victimization. Take responsibility for your life choices!

6th - The Gratitude

*Gratitude has a positive effect on your vibrational frequency. Start giving thanks for the good things you have experienced. Gratitude opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life.~

7th - Breathwork

Rhythmic deep breathing is a easy and good way to realign your vibrational energy. It can take just a couple of minutes to change your vibration.

Consciousness is all you need
Consciousness is all you need

People and experiences are here to make you aware of your own feelings, frustrations so you can work on yourself in order to feel better and release those negative emotions. Very often jealousy, envy, aggression, and almost every negative feelings are signals of your shadow and what you need to improve on yourself in order to let go of them. When we blame others or we don't take responsibility for our own feelings, we miss the opportunity to heal it, and until we don't heal it we cannot be fully happy. It is an inside job. Consciousness is the state of being aware of yourself, as well of the world around you. It's a subjective experience that includes your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. 

Ways to Increase Your Self-Awareness

  1. Practice breathwork, mindfulness and meditation. ...

  2. Practice yoga. ...

  3. Make Quality time to reflect.

  4. Journal your feelings. ...

Don't give your attention to every thought, choose wisely.
Don't give your attention to every thought, choose wisely.

Observe your though like the clouds on the sky, if they are not good and in alignment with what you are and want to achieve, let them pass. Don't give your attention to every thought, choose wisely.

Flexibility in the body means flexibility on your mind to adjust to the circumstances.
Flexibility in the body means flexibility on your mind to adjust to the circumstances.

When life is not like you want, is when you more should focus on your practice. Flexibility in the body means flexibility on your mind to adjust to the circumstances. Yoga teaches us how to flow.

There are many kinds of teachers, all of them teaches you something.
There are many kinds of teachers, all of them teaches you something.

There are many kinds of teachers, all of them teaches you something. Find the Teacher that is for you, that resonates with you.

Learning is empowering
Learning is empowering

Learning Yoga and Meditation is empowering, you will never regret about investing on something that can help you to keeps your mind balance, and your body healthy. Wherever you go you will carry that knowledge within you and can open your doors to global opportunities.

Awake your potential
Awake your potential

When you are doing what you like the most, it is not an effort, it is a joy. Discover your soul skills and you will never feel bored again. Stop giving all your energy to others and bring it back to yourself, and what you like.

Shine your light
Shine your light

You were born with potential.

You were born with goodness and trust.

You were born with ideals and dreams.

You were born with greatness.

You were born with wings.

You are not meant for crawling, so don't.

You have wings.

Learn to use them and fly.

Those who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.

Overcome your fears with Yoga, learn to fly.

Practice meditation and you'll find that you are carrying within your heart a portable paradise. Meditation means dissolving the invisible walls that unawareness has built.

Sanitize your mind. What we think, we become.



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